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Faster math algorithm sacrificing accuracy




I am developing a game that calls so many math functions for physics and rendering. "Fast inverse sqrt" used in Quake3 is known to be faster than sqrt() and its background is beautiful.

Do you know any other algorithm that is faster than usual one with acceptable accuracy loss?

like image 869
grayger Avatar asked Dec 10 '09 16:12


1 Answers

Any continuous function (which includes most common math operations) can be well approximated over a bounded interval by a polynomial. This, together with relatively simple identities that common math functions usually satisfy (like addition laws) and table lookups, provides the basis of the standard techniques to construct fast approximation algorithms (and also the basis of high accuracy methods like those used in the system math library).

Taylor series are usually a poor choice, however; Chebyshev or Minimax polynomials have much better error characteristics for most computational uses. The standard technique for fitting minimax polynomials is to use Remes' Algorithm, which is implemented in a lot of commercial math software, or you can roll your own implementation with a day's work if you know what you're doing.

For the record, the "fast inverse square root" should be avoided on modern processors, as it is substantially faster to use a floating-point reciprocal square root estimate instruction (rsqrtss/rsqrtps on SSE, vrsqrte on NEON, vrsqrtefp on AltiVec). Even the (non-approximate) hardware square root is quite fast on current Intel processors.

like image 136
Stephen Canon Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 10:10

Stephen Canon