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Fast Reports Non Database

I have been using Report Builder for some years, but I am getting tired of the cha-ching, cha-ching. It is a great reporting tool for "non database" reports.

I have started playing around with Fast Reports and I am utterly flustered with it. It seems a great reporting tool for databases but big question mark concerning complex "non database" reports. Their demos and help are horrible.

Wished I could show a report I am talking about. The report is a serial communications report that has operating system information which of course is single in nature. It has 4 distinct table which has installed serial ports and USB Serial Device tables. It also has a summary memo.

Has anyone successfully designed a report of the above configuration in Fast Reports? And yes, I have posted the same query with Fast Reports. Just want other opinions.

Thanks in advance.

like image 968
t j Avatar asked Jan 12 '14 18:01

t j

3 Answers

I've extended the option provided by @jrodenhi's answer, which seems to be the proper way to do what you want (thus I've made this answer a community wiki). So here are the two options you can use (and I think there will be more of them):

1. Define custom variables

The answer by @jrodenhi shows how to add report variables in code. I'll try to show here, how to define them in report designer.

  1. Open report designer
  2. Go to menu Report / Variables...
  3. In the Edit Variables window create a new category by clicking the Category button. Then you can rename the category the same way as you do e.g. for files in Windows Explorer: enter image description here

  4. Then you can declare a custom variable by clicking Variable button. You can give to the variable some meaningful name the same way as you do e.g. for files in Windows Explorer: enter image description here

  5. After this save your changes by clicking OK button: enter image description here

  6. Then you'll get back to the report designer, where you can find your just declared variables in the Data Tree pane tab Variables from where you can drag and drop the variables to the report: enter image description here

  7. After you refine all component positions and properties you can close the report designer and go back to the Delphi IDE. There you can write a handler for the OnGetValue event of your report and if its VarName parameter equals to your variable, change its Value parameter to the value you want to give to the associated report component:

procedure TForm1.frxReport1GetValue(const VarName: string; var Value: Variant);
  if VarName = 'MyVariable' then
    Value := 'This is a new value!';

2. Modify report components directly from Delphi code

There is an option of direct access to report components from your Delphi code. For instance, to find a certain report component by name you can use the FindObject method of the TfrxReport object. Then you can follow the usual pattern of checking if the returned reference is of type of the control you want to access and if so, you can access the instance by typecasting, as usually.

For example to find a TfrxMemoView object of name Memo1 on the frxReport1 report and modify its text you may write:

  Component: TfrxComponent;
  Component := frxReport1.FindObject('Memo1');

  if Component is TfrxMemoView then
    TfrxMemoView(Component).Memo.Text := 'New text';
like image 174
3 revs Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 10:11

3 revs

Most of the reports I write are for payroll. In addition to the table based data that makes up the bulk of the report, there is usually a significant amount of singular data, such as user and employer information that is frequently most easily entered as a series of variables taken from a filter dialog that runs before the report. Once the filter has run I iterate through all of its variables and add them to the report variables. Maybe you could pick up your singular system variables and do the same.

This is my routine that runs just before I prepare a report. It not only adds variables, it also adds functions defined in Delphi that can be used in the report:

procedure TFastReportDriver.SetVariables(sVariables: String; var frxReport: TfrxReport);
var i,
    iDetail: Integer;
    sl: TStringList;
    sValue: String;
  sl := TStringList.Create;
  sl.CommaText := sVariables;
  frxReport.Variables[' Filter'] := Null;
  for i := 0 to sl.Count - 1 do begin
    sVariable := sl.Names[i];
    sValue := Qtd(sl.ValueFromIndex[i]);
    frxReport.Variables.AddVariable('Filter', sVariable, sValue);
  frxReport.AddFunction('procedure CreateCheck(hPaystub, iCheckNo: Integer)');
  frxReport.AddFunction('function NumberToWords(cAmount: Currency): String');
  frxReport.OnUserFunction := repChecksUserFunction;

Then, in your code, you call frxReport.DesignReport and at run time you can drag and drop your variables onto your report: enter image description here

And, if you have defined any functions like above, they show up under the functions tab.

like image 27
jrodenhi Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 09:11


I've had success with this method:

  1. Use an in-memory table, such as TkbmMemTable, TdxMemTable or any in-memory table.

  2. Link the in-memory table to the TfrDataSet.

  3. Populate the in-memory table using usual TDataset methods and run the report.

like image 1
buttercup Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 09:11
