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Failures in "Pre-Launch report" in Google Play Developer Console in Google VR startup

I've been working on a game using Google VR in Unity3d and I recently updated my version of unity3d and the (built in) Google VR SDK to the latest version. After doing so the pre-launch report (automated testing on firebase) is showing crashes, during the unity splash screen, on 5 out of 6 devices.

This is the issue that is reported:

Issue: Crash of app uk.co.softkitty.puzzleroom running instrumentation ComponentInfo{com.google.android.apps.mtaas.crawler/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner}

Not very helpful, it looks like a generic unit test result if the app closes unexpectedly . I've looked through the logs and cant find anything unusual from my app or unity, but I did find something. It looks to me like this may be being caused by the test script itself:

10-27 01:54:54.494: I/ViewInteraction(19677): Performing 'single click' action on view (with class name: is "android.widget.ImageButton" and with id: uk.co.softkitty.puzzleroom:id/ui_back_button ...............

This to me, looks like the test runner is exploring the app UI and the first thing it does is click the "back" button. Which I would expect to close the app. I also tried using Firebase directly, which seemed to confirm it:

Firebase Activity Map

Does that seem likely that this is just a bug/red herring caused by changes to unity/GVR Or even firebase? Has anyone else experienced this?

I just don't want to release it if it really is crashing on so many devices!

Many Thanks

like image 751
Wayne B Avatar asked Oct 27 '17 19:10

Wayne B

People also ask

What is pre launch report in Google Play console?

A pre-launch report is automatically generated when you publish an app to internal, closed, or open testing. It helps to identify issues proactively before your app reaches users. It includes tests for: Stability issues. Android compatibility issues.

1 Answers

I asked Google Play Support about this and they got back to me.

They have confirmed that the issue is caused by a new crawler used by the Pre-Launch report. Details can be found here under the section "Pre-launch report versions"

They've escalated the issue and have also provided a workaround:

  1. Sign in to your Play Console.
  2. Select an app.
  3. Select Release management > Pre-launch report > Settings.
  4. In the “Pre-launch report version” section, move the Opt-out switch to the right until it turns blue.

I haven't verified this yet but will mark as answer once I have.


I have tested this and all the tests pass again so this looks like a good solution for now.

like image 107
Wayne B Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10

Wayne B