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Failing to mock @Autowired Object

I am using Junit4 and Mockito for test cases, in the following code I am trying to mock a autowired object which throws null pointer exception inside the mocking class which means autowired object is not mocking properly


public class ContentDao {

  private ConfigProperties configProperties;

  public void fuction() {
  int batchSize = configProperties.getBatchSize();


@ConfigurationProperties(ignoreUnknownFields = false, prefix = "cleanup")
public class ConfigProperties {

  private int batchSize;

  public int getBatchSize() {
    return batchSize;

Trying to mock ConfigProperties.

public class ContentDaoTest{

   private ContentDao contentDao;

   private ConfigProperties configProperties;

   public void functionTest(){
      configProperties = mock(ConfigProperties.class);
      ContentDao contentDao = new ContentDao();

funtion is called, but I get NPE in below line. Please help I am stuck here.

int batchSize = configProperties.getBatchSize();
like image 392
Kiran Kumar Avatar asked Jan 29 '23 23:01

Kiran Kumar

1 Answers

If you set @Mock for configProperties, you should not mock again configProperties = mock(ConfigProperties.class); In the same idea, as you set @InjectMocks for contentDao, you should not instantiate a new contentDao.

public class ContentDaoTest {

    private ContentDao contentDao;

    private ConfigProperties configProperties;

    public void functionTest() {
like image 52
OlivierTerrien Avatar answered Feb 02 '23 10:02
