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Failed to parse app's Info.plist appcelerator studio error

I have newly installed xCode and appcelerator studio following is the configuration :

Operating System
  Name                        = Mac OS X
  Version                     = 10.11.6
  Architecture                = 64bit
  # CPUs                      = 4
  Memory                      = 8589934592
  Node.js Version             = 0.12.7
  npm Version                 = 2.11.3
Titanium CLI
  CLI Version                 = 5.0.9
Titanium SDK
  SDK Version                 = 5.0.2.GA
  SDK Path                    = /Users/neosoft/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.0.2.GA
  Target Platform             = iphone

Now when I am trying to run demo iOS app then it throwing following error:

Failed to parse app's Info.plist: /Appcelator Projects/demo/build/iphone/build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/demo.app/Info.plist

I have tried with XCode 7 and 8 as well then also it showing same error.

can anyone help me to resolve it ...

like image 799
VRK Avatar asked Sep 28 '16 13:09


1 Answers

I don't know the reason for XCode 7 but for XCode 8 the problem is your sdk of titanium. You're using "5.0.2.GA" but currently the only version of titanium that supports XCode 8 is 5.5.*.GA (at this time of writing it is 5.5.1.GA).

So just set the sdk to 5.5.*.GA and it should solve your problem. :)

Source: https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TIMOB-23518

like image 191
Sino Boeckmann Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Sino Boeckmann