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Failed to load resource under Chrome

People also ask

How do I resolve failed to load a resource?

Chrome's cache clearing process, check all the options, and set the time range to “All time.” After you've cleared your cache, this might reset any options that were producing the error. Check the page in question to see if the resource is now displaying correctly. If not, you can also try resetting Chrome flags.

What does Net :: ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT mean?

This error is commonly caused due to one of the extensions installed within Chrome. Most likely you will see this error appear if you are using an extension such as Adblock or a browser safety plugin.

What does net err blocked by response mean?

It turns out when the network waterfall list this error, it means a browser extension blocked the request. The most common culprit is an ad blocker like AdBlock Plus. In short your requests to server have been blocked by an extension. Specifically AdBlock Plus was blocking my image.

I recently ran into this problem and discovered that it was caused by the "Adblock" extension (my best guess is that it's because I had the words "banner" and "ad" in the filename).

As a quick test to see if that's your problem, start Chrome in incognito mode with extensions disabled (ctrl+shift+n) and see if your page works now. Note that by default all extensions will be already disabled in incognito mode unless you've specifically set them to run (via chrome://extensions).

Check the network tab to see if Chrome failed to download any resource file.

In case it helps anyone, I had this exact same problem and discovered that it was caused by the "Do Not Track Plus" Chrome Extension (version 2.0.8). When I disabled that extension, the image loaded without error.

There is also the option of turning off the cache for network resources. This might be best for developing environments.

  1. Right-click chrome
  2. Go to 'inspect element'
  3. Look for the 'network' tab somewhere at the top. Click it.
  4. Check the 'disable cache' checkbox.

Kabir's solution is correct. My image URL was


and this was tripping up AdBlock. This wasn't a cross-domain issue for me, and it failed on both localhost and on the web.

I was using Chrome's network tab to debug and finding very confusing results for these specific images that failed to load. The first request would return no response (Status "(pending)"). Later down the line, there was a second request that listed the original URL and then "Redirect" as the Initiator. The redirect request headers were all for this identical short line of base64-encoded data, and each returned no response, although the status was "Successful":


Later I noticed that these inline styles were added to all the image elements:

    display: none !important;
    visibility: hidden !important;
    opacity: 0 !important;

Finally, I did not receive any "failed to load resource" messages in the console, but rather this:

Port error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.

If any of these things is happening to you, it probably has something to do with AdBlock. Turn it off and/or rename your image files.

Also, because of the inline CSS created by AdBlock, the layout of my promotions slider was being thrown off. While I was able to fix the layout issues with CSS before finding Kabir's solution, the CSS was somewhat unnecessary and affected the flexibility of the slider to handle images of multiple sizes.

I guess the lesson is: Be careful what you name your images. These images weren't malicious or annoying as much as they were alerting visitors to current promotions and specials in an unobtrusive way.