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Failed to load list of databases




I want to connect to a remote database using Robomongo. I can connect to to database but an error says that:
Failed to load list of databases
enter image description here

What should I do?

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ehsan shirzadi Avatar asked Oct 14 '16 16:10

ehsan shirzadi

People also ask

How do I get a list of databases in MongoDB?

If you want to check your databases list, use the command show dbs. Your created database (mydb) is not present in list. To display database, you need to insert at least one document into it. In MongoDB default database is test.

How can we list all databases available in MongoDB CLI?

Listing all the databases in mongoDB console is using the command show dbs .

3 Answers

It took me 7 days to figure it out. When I have upgraded to Robo 3T version 1.3. it started working just fine. My previous version was 1.2.

Good to know if you are having this issue.

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storagemode11 Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10


In my experience, it is related to failed database user/password authentication. So probably your IP connection to server is successful but you failed to connect to db. I suggest to double check your database username/password and try again.

And better to show what is inside "Show error details".

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Gokhan Simsek Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 17:10

Gokhan Simsek

Go to Connection Settings -> Authentication - Provide Database name, username, password - Now test the connection I ran into the same issue, then I provided the above info which solved my issue

Refer: (Vaibhav's post) Point 3.Populate DB name and username and password How to connect Robomongo to MongoDB

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srk Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 16:10
