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Get specific part of document



I'm trying Mongo db and I wonder if it's possible to only get a specific part of a document?

For example I have:

{   "name" : "MongoDB",   "info" : { x : 203, y : 102 } } 

and I only want the content of info.

The closest I found is db.collection.find({}, { info: 1 }) but this returns me { "info" : { x : 203, y : 102 } } when I only need { x : 203, y : 102 }.

like image 440
powderkeg Avatar asked Mar 14 '11 17:03


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1 Answers

You could do

db.collection.find({},{'info.x':1, 'info.y':1}) 

but that means listing each and every item of the info object in the projection - which may or may not be what you're looking for.

like image 147
Lucas Zamboulis Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 16:11

Lucas Zamboulis