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failed to lazily initialize a collection of role




Hi I have two classes like this:

public class Indicator implements Serializable {

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "indicator",fetch=FetchType.LAZY)
    private List<IndicatorAlternateLabel>  indicatorAlternateLabels;

    public List<IndicatorAlternateLabel> getIndicatorAlternateLabels() {
        return indicatorAlternateLabels;

        public void setIndicatorAlternateLabels(List<IndicatorAlternateLabel> indicatorAlternateLabels) {
            this.indicatorAlternateLabels = indicatorAlternateLabels;

public class IndicatorAlternateLabel implements Serializable {
 @ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.REFRESH, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    @JoinColumn(name = "IndicatorID")
    private Indicator indicator;

When I use them like this:

 public MetricTypeDetail getMetricTypeDetail(Integer metricTypeId) {
        Criteria crit = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Indicator.class, "sub")
                    .add(Restrictions.eq("number", metricTypeId))
        Indicator indicator=(Indicator) crit.uniqueResult();
        MetricTypeDetail metricTypeDetail=new MetricTypeDetail(indicator);
        List<IndicatorAlternateLabel> indicatorAlternateLabels = null;
        return metricTypeDetail;

This code returns an exception: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: com.porism.service.domain.Indicator.indicatorAlternateLabels, no session or session was closed

Any idea? I'm very new to Hibernate

like image 526
Lince81 Avatar asked Mar 23 '11 11:03


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2 Answers

Lazy exceptions occur when you fetch an object typically containing a collection which is lazily loaded, and try to access that collection.

You can avoid this problem by

  • accessing the lazy collection within a transaction.
  • Initalizing the collection using Hibernate.initialize(obj);
  • Fetch the collection in another transaction
  • Use Fetch profiles to select lazy/non-lazy fetching runtime
  • Set fetch to non-lazy (which is generally not recommended)

Further I would recommend looking at the related links to your right where this question has been answered many times before. Also see Hibernate lazy-load application design.

like image 131
Johan Sjöberg Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Johan Sjöberg

It's possible that you're not fetching the Joined Set. Be sure to include the set in your HQL:

public List<Node> getAll() {
    Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
    Query query = session.createQuery("FROM Node as n LEFT JOIN FETCH n.nodeValues LEFT JOIN FETCH n.nodeStats");
    return  query.list();

Where your class has 2 sets like:

public class Node implements Serializable {

private Set<NodeValue> nodeValues;

private Set<NodeStat> nodeStats;

like image 24
Phaedrus Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09
