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Factorial function returning negative number for large input



My factorial function seems to work for numbers between 1 and 6, but not for numbers much bigger than 6, for example starting with 21! the results are negative.

I cannot figure out why. Here's my function:

factorial :: Int -> Int
factorial 0 = 1
factorial 1 = 1
factorial num = num * factorial( num - 1)

And here's my binomial coefficient function that calls my factorial function (maybe the problem comes from this one ?):

binomialCoef :: Int -> Int -> Int
binomialCoef n 1 = n
binomialCoef n k = factorial n `div` 
                        ((factorial k) * factorial (n - k))
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Elior Avatar asked Mar 15 '21 10:03


People also ask

Can you do factorial for negative numbers?

The factorials of negative real numbers are complex numbers. At negative integers the imaginary part of complex factorials is zero, and the factorials for -1, -2, -3, -4 are -1, 2, -6, 24 respectively. Similarly, the factorials of imaginary numbers are complex numbers.

Why can't you take the factorial of a negative number?

Explanation: One of the main practical uses of the factorial is to give you the number of ways to permute objects. You can't permute −2 objects because you can't have less than 0 objects!

3 Answers

(…) realized my factorial function returns negative numbers starting at 21!, and I can't figure out why.

Because an Int has a fixed number of bits. An Int should at least represent all numbers between -2-29 and 229-1, and on a 64-bit system, typically it will represent numbers between -2-63 and 263-1, but regardless what bounds it represents, it will eventually run out of bits to represent such number.

You can work with Integer to represent arbitrary large numbers:

factorial :: Integer -> Integer
factorial 0 = 1
factorial 1 = 1
factorial num = num * factorial (num-1)

For example:

Prelude> factorial 21
Prelude> factorial 22
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Willem Van Onsem Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 07:10

Willem Van Onsem

The binomial coefficient is where ln(gamma) really shines:

Bi(n, k) = n!/(k!*(n-k)!)

Taking the natural log of both sides:

ln(Bi(n, k)) = ln(n!) - ln(k!) - ln((n-k)!)


gamma(n) = (n-1)!


gamma(n+1) = n!


ln(Bi(n, k)) = lngamma(n+1) - lngamma(k+1) -lngamma(n-k+1)

Taking the exponential of both sides gives the final result:

Bi(n, k) = exp(lngamma(n+1) - lngamma(k+1) - lngamma(n-k+1))

There's a Haskell implementation. I haven't looked at it, but it should return a Double instead of an Integer. You won't have overflow problems because of that fact. It'll also be better behaved because you will be subtracting logarithms instead of dividing a large numerator by a large product in the denominator.

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duffymo Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 07:10


Of course best way to avoid integer overflow and wrap-around while calculating a big factorial is not to calculate the factorial in the first place. Instead, since

factorial n = product [1..n]

keeping [1..n] as the representation of the factorial of n is as good -- or even much better -- as calculating the actual number. Postponing an action until absolutely unavoidable we get to pre-optimize it before post-calculating:

bincoef :: Int -> Int -> Int
bincoef n k = factorial n `div` 
                        ((factorial k) * factorial (n - k))
 = product [1 .. n] `div` 
        (product [1 .. k] * product [1 .. n-k])
 = product [n-k+1 .. n] `div` 
         product [1 .. k]
 = foldl' g 1 $ zip [n, n-1 .. n-k+1] [1 .. k]
     where g !acc (a,b) = (acc * a) `div` b

So now,

> mapM_ (\n -> print $ map (bincoef n) [5,10..n]) [20,30..60]

> head . filter (not . snd) $ map (\n -> (n, all (> 0) $ map (bincoef n) [1..n])) [1..]

the Int wrap-around error makes its first appearance at n=62. But it's still working at n=60, and we can see there are more than 16 digits in those numbers, so no Double-based calculation has a hope of working correctly, there.

To get into yet higher ranges still with the Int-based operations only, the next logical step is keeping the lists of integers as originally proposed, or better yet as their prime factorizations which are easy to multiply and divide; but at that point we'd be getting pretty close to re-implementing the bignum arithmetic ourselves, so might as well just use the simple Integer-based code,

bc :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
bc n k = product [n-k+1 .. n] `div` product [1 .. k]

which "just works".

> bc 600 199
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Will Ness Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 08:10

Will Ness