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Facebook Login Permission for testing the app before submitting for review?

I am trying to get some login permission from the user in my facebook app. Facebook asks the developer to send their app for review before giving any extra permissions to the developer. For this, it seems that you have to complete the app and it is working so they can test and do whatever they want before giving the developer or the app the extra required login permission!

Currently I am only testing the application and it is not complete, but I need that extra login permission (manage_pages to be exact) so I can see what my app would do and how it will work...

But it seems facebook only asks for fully developed apps to be sent for review.

This is all very confusing. and facebook documentations is like has been written by a 2 fingered person who couldn't even be bothered with finishing the whole sentence!

The question that I have is this:

Is there any way I could create an app and get all the login permissions that required to test the app and make it all work before sending it to facebook for review?

Thanks in advance.

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user3806613 Avatar asked Jul 07 '14 11:07


1 Answers

I know it's a very late answer, but maybe some one else will has benefit from it.

Is there any way I could create an app and get all the login permissions that required to test the app and make it all work before sending it to facebook for review?

After a lot of search in Google and Stackoverflow, I found my own answer. The problem was the application on Facebook is "Live", Once I turned toggle off or "in development" mode, it allowed me to test the permissions without granted them from Facebook first.

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Shady Boshra Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Shady Boshra