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Facebook asks for Android key hashes for app that is still in sandbox mode

I'm getting the following unexpected error from Facebook when I try to log in via my (emulated) Android app on Eclipse on OSX 10.9: "This app has no Android key hashes configured. Configure your app key hashes at http://developer.facebook.com/apps/appID/"

Now on Facebook this app is in Sandbox mode. I've added my hash key to the "Sample App Settings" under the Developer settings.

I've generated this hash key with this command (like prescribed in the Getting started guide of Facebook):

MacBook-Pro:.android macbook$ keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore /Users/macbook/.android/debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

Enter keystore password: android

Why does Facebook still ask me for specific app key hashes, from an app that is still in sandbox mode? And how do I fix this? Is there something wrong with my keytool?

like image 859
Moritz Avatar asked Nov 21 '13 14:11


People also ask

How do I configure APP key hashes on Facebook?

Steps : Go to facebook developer's page : https://developers.facebook.com/ Open the App tabs and than click the Setting. Paste the generate hashkey on HashKey's field = If you don't have it yet, get your key hash part of code.

How do I get the release key hash on Facebook?

Option 2: Generate Key Hash using SHA1 Key Hash is nothing new it is just the encoded format of your unique SHA1 which Facebook prefers. If you are using the Debug SHA1 then this Key Hash will become the Debug Key Hash and if you are using the Release SHA1 then it will become the Release Key Hash.

What is Android hash?

The key hash is a machine specific security check for authenticity. If you use multiple machines for development of the application, you need to add and save multiple key hash to your profile to authenticate every machine.

1 Answers

The "Sample App Settings" is only so that you can run the sample apps that ship with the SDK.

For your app, you need to add the key hashes to your app's "Native Android App" section.

See this doc for more details: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/android/getting-started/#create-app

like image 82
Ming Li Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09

Ming Li