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Facebook like notification updates using django signal or notification

How can i use django-notifications or django-signals to make something like facebook updates notification that shows in the user profile if any other user likes or posts comments on user's blog or posts?

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G Gill Avatar asked Dec 21 '11 08:12

G Gill

People also ask

How do I add notifications to Django app?

to generate an notification anywhere in your code, simply import the notify signal and send it with your actor, recipient, verb, and target. Then, any extra arguments you pass to notify.

What are signals in Django?

In a nutshell, signals allow certain senders to notify a set of receivers that some action has taken place. They're especially useful when many pieces of code may be interested in the same events. Django's built-in signals let user code get notified of certain actions.

What is push notification Django?

A minimal Django app that implements Device models that can send messages through APNS, FCM/GCM, WNS and WebPush.

1 Answers

For the activity feed, we use https://github.com/justquick/django-activity-stream Documentation: http://justquick.github.com/django-activity-stream/

For the js widget and live notifications, we use https://github.com/subsume/django-subscription yourlabs example, it depends on redis but you can easily add a model backend if you really want to. Redis is a good choices it's half a megabyte of dependency. Documentation: http://django-social.rtfd.org

There is no application that does meta-notifications ("notification groupping") properly but a lot of research has been done. Basically you need another app, with a MetaNotification model, and something (management command, signal ...) that will visit notifications and create MetaNotification instances. Then you should display MetaNotification lists rather than Activity or notification list.

Finnaly, if you want configurable email notifications then you can use django-notifications: https://github.com/jtauber/django-notification or this app which looks nicer: http://www.tomaz.me/django-notifications/

I'm not aware of any app that does it all. It is going to be some work for you.

"It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock'n'roll" or as I like to say "patience and perseverance" :)

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jpic Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 14:10
