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what is fastest as a django production server : twisted.web2 vs. apache mod_wsgi

i want to deploy my django project, what is best (on performance) of these 2 deployment methodologies:

  1. Django-On-Twisted

  2. apache mod_wsgi

i knew that mod_wsgi was recommended by django developers but i feel twisted is more efficient when running multiple django instance.

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MBarsi Avatar asked Aug 08 '10 20:08


1 Answers

As has been said, the server deployment setup won't be the bottleneck at this stage, however I still feel there's definitely value in picking and learning something now which you're more likely to continue using in future.

This recent benchmark generated a lot of discussion:


Read the comments as well as the numbers in order to get a feel for how benchmarks never show the full picture.

For a web server Nginx is a no brainer IMO.

For a WSGI server I like uWSGI because it seems performant and I get the feeling it has much of the community behind it. uwsgi is well supported by Nginx.

Hope that helps :> Let us know what you go for.

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Rolo Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 06:10
