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Facebook API Post Search Deprecated?

I am trying to perform a search via the Facebook API and getting the following error from Facebook - (#11) Post search has been deprecated

URL I am using to query graph: https://graph.facebook.com/search?q=search_query&type=post&access_token={access_token}

Any ideas why this is happening as I can't seem to find anything about the post search being deprecated?

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Chris Avatar asked May 06 '14 09:05


People also ask

Is Facebook Graph API deprecated?

Applies to all versions. Facebook Analytics will no longer be available after June 30, 2021. Additionally, we are deprecating the App Dashboard Plugin for Marketing API.

Can I use Facebook API for free?

The Graph API is free to use, for all applicable use cases. Rate Limiting applies though, > developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/advanced/rate-limiting There is no way to “pay” or > otherwise get those limits raised for normal 3rd party apps.

Is Facebook API a REST API?

The API uses RESTful protocol and responses are in JSON format.

Is Facebook Graph API RESTful?

Learn How to Connect to the Facebook Graph API - Real-Time Streaming Data Source. If you ever wanted to query Facebook user information, publish content, and update information, the Graph API is the way to go. It can be accessed from practically any browser because it is a restful JSON API.

1 Answers


Graph API v1.0 has been fully deprecated and is no longer available as a workaround. Original answer below for reference.

Yes, version 2.0 of the GraphAPI does not let you search for posts anymore. See the updated documentation.

You can continue to search for posts by changing your API call to:


I.e. add v1.0/ after https://graph.facebook.com/

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Niraj Shah Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 18:10

Niraj Shah