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Face pattern for boxes in boxplots

I would like to do something of the sort (using matplotlib): enter image description here

(from Colorfill boxplot in R-cran with lines, dots, or similar)

I saw some info about hatch(ing)? But I really can't make heads or tails on how to use this.

Also I find myself wondering how can I change parameters like the possible attributes of a boxprop dict -- used in plt.boxplot(..., boxprops=boxpropsdict). Is it possible to just have a list of all the possible attributes for this?

like image 303
Animismus Avatar asked Feb 26 '15 10:02


People also ask

How do you interpret boxplot results?

Half the scores are greater than or equal to this value and half are less. The middle “box” represents the middle 50% of scores for the group. The range of scores from lower to upper quartile is referred to as the inter-quartile range. The middle 50% of scores fall within the inter-quartile range.

How do you set a boxplot color?

To change the color of box of boxplot in base R, we can use col argument inside boxplot function.

1 Answers

The important aspect is to set patch_artist=True when calling boxplot.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# fake up some data
spread= np.random.rand(50) * 100
center = np.ones(25) * 50
flier_high = np.random.rand(10) * 100 + 100
flier_low = np.random.rand(10) * -100
data = np.concatenate((spread, center, flier_high, flier_low), 0)

# basic plot
bp = plt.boxplot(data, patch_artist=True)

for box in bp['boxes']:
    # change outline color
    box.set(color='red', linewidth=2)
    # change fill color
    box.set(facecolor = 'green' )
    # change hatch
    box.set(hatch = '/')


The basic plot example is taken from the boxplot demo. However, none of those examples set patch_artist=True. If that statement is omitted, you will get this error:

AttributeError: 'Line2D' object has no attribute 'set_facecolor'

The boxplot demo 2 shows in great detail, how rectangles can be fitted to the boxplot in order to obtain coloring. This blog points to the option of the patch_artist.
For more ideas about hatches, refer to the hatch demo. The example above produces this figure:

enter image description here

like image 52
Schorsch Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09
