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F1 Score vs ROC AUC

I have the below F1 and AUC scores for 2 different cases

Model 1: Precision: 85.11 Recall: 99.04 F1: 91.55 AUC: 69.94

Model 2: Precision: 85.1 Recall: 98.73 F1: 91.41 AUC: 71.69

The main motive of my problem to predict the positive cases correctly,ie, reduce the False Negative cases (FN). Should I use F1 score and choose Model 1 or use AUC and choose Model 2. Thanks

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user3342643 Avatar asked May 25 '17 04:05


People also ask

What is F1 score and ROC AUC score?

In general, the ROC is for many different levels of thresholds and thus it has many F score values. F1 score is applicable for any particular point on the ROC curve. You may think of it as a measure of precision and recall at a particular threshold value whereas AUC is the area under the ROC curve.

Why is F1 score better than accuracy?

What is this? As a rule of thumb: We often use accuracy when the classes are balanced and there is no major downside to predicting false negatives. We often use F1 score when the classes are imbalanced and there is a serious downside to predicting false negatives.

What is the difference between ROC and AUC?

ROC is a probability curve and AUC represents the degree or measure of separability. It tells how much the model is capable of distinguishing between classes. Higher the AUC, the better the model is at predicting 0 classes as 0 and 1 classes as 1.

Can accuracy and F1 score be same?

Just thinking about the theory, it is impossible that accuracy and the f1-score are the very same for every single dataset. The reason for this is that the f1-score is independent from the true-negatives while accuracy is not. By taking a dataset where f1 = acc and adding true negatives to it, you get f1 != acc .

1 Answers


As a rule of thumb, every time you want to compare ROC AUC vs F1 Score, think about it as if you are comparing your model performance based on:

[Sensitivity vs (1-Specificity)] VS [Precision vs Recall] 

Note that Sensitivity is the Recall (they are the same exact metric).

Now we need to understand what are: Specificity, Precision and Recall (Sensitivity) intuitively!


Specificity: is given by the following formula:

specificity formula

Intuitively speaking, if we have 100% specific model, that means it did NOT miss any True Negative, in other words, there were NO False Positives (i.e. negative result that is falsely labeled as positive). Yet, there is a risk of having a lot of False Negatives!

Precision: is given by the following formula: Precision Formula

Intuitively speaking, if we have a 100% precise model, that means it could catch all True positive but there were NO False Positive.

Recall: is given by the following formula:

Recall Formula

Intuitively speaking, if we have a 100% recall model, that means it did NOT miss any True Positive, in other words, there were NO False Negatives (i.e. a positive result that is falsely labeled as negative). Yet, there is a risk of having a lot of False Positives!

As you can see, the three concepts are very close to each other!

f1 score

As a rule of thumb, if the cost of having False negative is high, we want to increase the model sensitivity and recall (which are the exact same in regard to their formula)!.

For instance, in fraud detection or sick patient detection, we don't want to label/predict a fraudulent transaction (True Positive) as non-fraudulent (False Negative). Also, we don't want to label/predict a contagious sick patient (True Positive) as not sick (False Negative).

This is because the consequences will be worse than a False Positive (incorrectly labeling a a harmless transaction as fraudulent or a non-contagious patient as contagious).

On the other hand, if the cost of having False Positive is high, then we want to increase the model specificity and precision!.

For instance, in email spam detection, we don't want to label/predict a non-spam email (True Negative) as spam (False Positive). On the other hand, failing to label a spam email as spam (False Negative) is less costly.

F1 Score

It's given by the following formula:

F1 Score Formula

F1 Score keeps a balance between Precision and Recall. We use it if there is uneven class distribution, as precision and recall may give misleading results!

So we use F1 Score as a comparison indicator between Precision and Recall Numbers!

Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (AUROC)

It compares the Sensitivity vs (1-Specificity), in other words, compare the True Positive Rate vs False Positive Rate.

area under the curve

So, the bigger the AUROC, the greater the distinction between True Positives and True Negatives!

AUROC vs F1 Score (Conclusion)

In general, the ROC is for many different levels of thresholds and thus it has many F score values. F1 score is applicable for any particular point on the ROC curve.

You may think of it as a measure of precision and recall at a particular threshold value whereas AUC is the area under the ROC curve. For F score to be high, both precision and recall should be high.

Consequently, when you have a data imbalance between positive and negative samples, you should always use F1-score because ROC averages over all possible thresholds!

Further read:

Credit Card Fraud: Handling highly imbalance classes and why Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve (ROC Curve) should not be used, and Precision/Recall curve should be preferred in highly imbalanced situations

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Yahya Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 10:10
