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F# special quotes? (##)




I just ran across http://frankniemeyer.blogspot.com/2010/04/minimalistic-native-64-bit-array.html Which contains the line

(# "sizeof !0" type('T) : nativeint #)

I believe the technical phrase is "what the heck?" I have never in my (~8 months) of F# programming run across something even resembling that...

FSI tells me something about deprecated constructs, used only for F# libs...

And google with (# does uh...well, not much

Any direction in this?

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Snark Avatar asked May 04 '11 18:05


2 Answers

This is the notation for inline IL emission. It used to be a more prominent feature during F#'s earlier years, but has been deprecated. A gentleman named Brian from the F# team has indicated that it is currently used mainly to bootstrap the F# compiler, and that the team had intended to mark this construct as an error, not merely a warning.

See his post here for the full story.

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Ben Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 16:10


It's inline IL (intermediate language) code. This construct is used internally by the F# team to implement bits of the F# core library you just can't do any other way. This code will admit a warning saying it shouldn't be used any where other than the F# core libraries, so you probably don't have to worry about it too much as it should never appear in production code.

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Robert Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 16:10
