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F# How to compile a code quotation to an assembly

I would like to know if there is a way to compile a code quotation into an assembly?

I understand that it is possible to call CompileUntyped() or Compile() on the Exp<_> object, for example:

let x = <@ 1 * 2 @>
let com = x.Compile()

However, how can I persist com to disk as an assembly?


like image 854
Ncc Avatar asked Aug 06 '11 13:08


1 Answers

You can evaluate an F# Code Quotations with pattern matching:

open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.Patterns

let rec eval  = function
    | Value(v,t) -> v
    | Call(None,mi,args) -> mi.Invoke(null, evalAll args)
    | arg -> raise <| System.NotSupportedException(arg.ToString())
and evalAll args = [|for arg in args -> eval arg|]

let x = eval <@ 1 * 3 @>

See the F# PowerPack, Unquote, Foq OSS projects or this snippet for more complete implementations.

To compile an F# Code Quotation you can define a dynamic method using Reflection.Emit:

open System.Reflection.Emit

let rec generate (il:ILGenerator) = function
    | Value(v,t) when t = typeof<int> ->
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, v :?> int)
    | Call(None,mi,args) -> 
        generateAll il args
        il.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, mi, null)
    | arg -> raise <| System.NotSupportedException(arg.ToString())
and generateAll il args = for arg in args do generate il arg

type Marker = interface end

let compile quotation =
    let f = DynamicMethod("f", typeof<int>, [||], typeof<Marker>.Module)
    let il = f.GetILGenerator()
    quotation |> generate il
    fun () -> f.Invoke(null,[||]) :?> int

let f = compile <@ 1 + 3 @>
let x = f ()

To compile to an assembly again use Reflection.Emit to generate a type with a method:

open System
open System.Reflection

let createAssembly quotation =
    let name = "GeneratedAssembly"
    let domain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
    let assembly = domain.DefineDynamicAssembly(AssemblyName(name), AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave)
    let dm = assembly.DefineDynamicModule(name+".dll")
    let t = dm.DefineType("Type", TypeAttributes.Public ||| TypeAttributes.Class)
    let mb = t.DefineMethod("f", MethodAttributes.Public, typeof<int>, [||])
    let il = mb.GetILGenerator()
    quotation |> generate il

createAssembly <@ 1 + 1 @>

See the Fil project (F# to IL) for a more complete implementation.

like image 198
Phillip Trelford Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 16:10

Phillip Trelford