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F# double click on file creates a copy in VS

If I double click on a source file in Visual Studio F# project and accidentally slightly move the mouse even a tiny bit down (a few pixels suffice), then VS "renames" the file into a copy.

For example file SomeSource.fs becomes Copy of SomeSource.fs. The original file at that point "disappears" and the copy is added at the end of the project. The issue happens on all computers that I use and only in F# but not in C#.

It seems that there should some setting in VS, which tells it to do that. How to disable that thing?


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Konstantin Konstantinov Avatar asked Sep 03 '18 08:09

Konstantin Konstantinov

1 Answers

Seems bug to me. Created just bug report: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/327630/f-file-drag-in-solution-explorer-cause-file-being.html.

Hopefully, we get it to fix soon.

Btw Visual Studio has very nice bug report feature integrated: upper right corner => send feedback => report problem.

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Risord Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 02:10
