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Extracting rightmost N bits of an integer

In the yester Code Jam Qualification round http://code.google.com/codejam/contest/dashboard?c=433101#s=a&a=0 , there was a problem called Snapper Chain. From the contest analysis I came to know the problem requires bit twiddling stuff like extracting the rightmost N bits of an integer and checking if they all are 1. I saw a contestant's(Eireksten) code which performed the said operation like below:


I couldn't understand how this works. What is the use of -1 there in the comparison?. If somebody can explain this, it would be very much useful for us rookies. Also, Any tips on identifying this sort of problems would be much appreciated. I used a naive algorithm to solve this problem and ended up solving only the smaller data set.(It took heck of a time to compile the larger data set which is required to be submitted within 8 minutes.). Thanks in advance.

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srandpersonia Avatar asked May 09 '10 15:05


1 Answers

Let's use N=3 as an example. In binary, 1<<3 == 0b1000. So 1<<3 - 1 == 0b111.

In general, 1<<N - 1 creates a number with N ones in binary form.

Let R = 1<<N-1. Then the expression becomes (K&R) == R. The K&R will extract the last N bits, for example:

  &        111

(Recall that the bitwise-AND will return 1 in a digit, if and only if both operands have a 1 in that digit.)

The equality holds if and only if the last N bits are all 1. Thus the expression checks if K ends with N ones.

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kennytm Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 19:11
