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Extracting LinkedIn recommendations for your website



How can I extract or get the LinkedIn recommendations for my website? Is there any plugin or PHP script?

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Rodrigo Avatar asked Jul 23 '11 23:07


People also ask

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Then scroll all the way to the bottom of the of your profile -- usually below your Organizations and Honors & Awards, but before you see the bottom navigation for the page (Help Center, About, etc). On the left side of your profile, you will see a series of black/gray title blocks, one of which will say Recommendations.

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Employers are more likely to hire someone who others say good things about. On LinkedIn, you can give and receive recommendations to boost your profile. In this article, however, our focus is on giving.

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Try adapting our best LinkedIn recommendation examples for colleagues and previous coworkers: Recommendation Example #1 “Only one word that comes to mind when I think of [Name], and that’s AWESOME. I worked with [Name]at [Company]and [he/she]was a consummate professional at all times.

Why is there only one section on my LinkedIn profile page?

One section is really valuable since it gives something often referred to as Social proof, and that is the section with your “Recommendations”. And for some reason, that section just happens to be one of the last sections to appear on your LinkedIn profile page. Not possible to move (something I think is strange).

1 Answers

You can extract the recommendations using the LinkedIn API, specifically the Profile API. Rough steps are:

  1. Create an application;
  2. Authenticate yourself via OAuth;
  3. Make a call to the API (via JavaScript or some other language via the REST interface) to retrieve your recommendations. A sample call that will do this:


In terms of doing this with PHP, there is a free library, along with demo scripts, here:


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Unpossible Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 07:10
