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Verified email from LinkedIn API?

Is the email address returned from your public API guaranteed to be verified? email-address accessible via the r_emailaddress member permission here: https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/fields/basic-profile.

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toucan Avatar asked Apr 30 '15 13:04


1 Answers

The email-address from the r_emailaddress member permission must be verified (aka confirmed) since (a) this is the primary email address and (b) LinkedIn only allows confirmed email addresses to be registered as a primary email address. Of course, an email address that was confirmed before may fall out of use so there is that scenario.

From LinkedIn's Basic Profile Fields page:

email-address: The LinkedIn member's primary email address. Secondary email addresses associated with the member are not available via the API.

From LinkedIn's How do I update the email addresses for my account? page:

An email address must be confirmed before it can be made your primary email address.

I also just verified this with the following:

  1. Creating an Account: An account cannot be created without verifying a primary email address. When attempting to access the API with a partially created account without verifying a primary email address, the following error is returned "A confirmed email address is required to proceed."
  2. Changing Primary Email Address in Existing Account: When adding an email address to an existing account, LinkedIn will only allow you to make an email address the primary email address if it is verified. In the "Add & change email addresses" dialog, the "Make primary" link only appears for verified email addresses. A "Send confirmation email" link appears for non-verified email addresses.
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Grokify Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 04:10
