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Extract words surrounding a search word

I have this script that does a word search in text. The search goes pretty good and results work as expected. What I'm trying to achieve is extract n words close to the match. For example:

The world is a small place, we should try to take care of it.

Suppose I'm looking for place and I need to extract the 3 words on the right and the 3 words on the left. In this case they would be:

left -> [is, a, small]
right -> [we, should, try]

What is the best approach to do this?


like image 248
PepperoniPizza Avatar asked Jul 15 '13 01:07


1 Answers

def search(text,n):
    '''Searches for text, and retrieves n words either side of the text, which are retuned seperatly'''
    word = r"\W*([\w]+)"
    groups = re.search(r'{}\W*{}{}'.format(word*n,'place',word*n), text).groups()
    return groups[:n],groups[n:]

This allows you to specify how many words either side you want to capture. It works by constructing the regular expression dynamically. With

t = "The world is a small place, we should try to take care of it."
(('is', 'a', 'small'), ('we', 'should', 'try'))
like image 117
HennyH Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 22:10
