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Extract used CSS from a page

I need to extract the used CSS from a 19,000 line CSS file where 98.4% of it is unused (ouch). I know you can use Chrome Developer Tools to view the CSS Coverage, like so:

enter image description here

But it doesn't allow you to even jump to the green lines. Manually going through 19K lines just doesn't seem feasible.

Chrome Lighthouse doesn't seem to give you an option to see only the rules you need like Developer Tools used to, either.

I've tried Firefox's "CSS Usage" add-on (which a lot of sites recommend) but it requires FireBug, which itself isn't compatible in the current version of FireFox.

Can anyone think of a way to pull out just the CSS that's used somehow?

like image 824
Chuck Le Butt Avatar asked Oct 20 '17 13:10

Chuck Le Butt

People also ask

How do you find out what CSS is used?

If you open the "Computed" section, you can see the final style that is applied, after all the rules from various CSS selectors have been applied. And you can open up any specific attribute to find out which CSS selector and file is responsible.

How do I separate CSS code from HTML?

Approach: We can separate the content & the design by using external CSS having the file extension as . css. For this, simply specify the required file path of the external file in the <link> tag inside the <head> tag in the main HTML file. This will redirect to the sheet whenever styling properties need to implement.

How do you remove unused CSS from a site?

If you want to remove unused CSS entirely, you can use a tool such as PurifyCSS to find out how much CSS file size can be reduced. Once you get the CSS code you should eliminate, you have to remove it manually from the page.

2 Answers

After downloading the Coverage .json from Chrome (>= v73) [What's New In DevTools - Chrome 73].

You can extract the CSS with this node script:

$ node extractCSS.js ~/Desktop/Coverage-20190325T110812.json
https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css
./final_css.css file saved
// extractCSS.js
const fs = require('fs');

let final_css_bytes = '';
let total_bytes = 0;
let used_bytes = 0;

const filename = process.argv[2];
const output = './final_css.css';

if (!filename) {
  console.error('Missing filename to get coverage information from');

const file_coverage = fs.readFileSync(filename);

const css_coverage = JSON.parse(file_coverage);

for (const entry of css_coverage) {
  if (!entry.url.endsWith('.css')) continue;
  final_css_bytes += '# ' + entry.url + '\n\n';
  total_bytes += entry.text.length;
  for (const range of entry.ranges) {
    used_bytes += range.end - range.start - 1;
    final_css_bytes += entry.text.slice(range.start, range.end) + '\n';
  final_css_bytes += '\n\n';

fs.writeFile(output, final_css_bytes, error => {
  if (error) {
    console.log('Error creating file:', error);
  console.log(output, 'file saved');


Inspired by: https://blog.fullstacktraining.com/remove-unused-css-javascript-code-from-your-project/

like image 99
Gianfranco P. Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 17:10

Gianfranco P.

Hope this will help you


just add html in left and css in right. Click ok btn then see magic

if there is any error in css then it will ask you to remove that error in that line number.

This is the easiest methode :)

like image 38
sunil kumar Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 15:10

sunil kumar