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Dashed border not showing in firefox [duplicate]




I have a radius div with 5px dashed border, but border not show properly in Firefox. It show well in IE and chrome.


        width: 100px;
        background-color: #ccc;
        border-radius: 50%;
        border:5px dashed #333;
like image 282
Mukul Kant Avatar asked Oct 14 '14 07:10

Mukul Kant

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1 Answers

Your border is working on firefox see DEMO you can check it with removing radius. FireFox having bug when you tried circle with dashed border.

This is a known bug. Your options are:

  • If this is just for the sake of a circle, draw it with <canvas>, e.g. as demonstrated here
  • Use SVG (possibly inline), which supports various ways to stroke paths
  • Just make a Image PNG
like image 149
Manwal Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09
