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Centering and aligning width of figcaption tag on image in figure tag

I've spent two days now attempting to resolve a fig/figcation issue to no avail.

I have a Django application where users are able to submit images and I'm using the figure and figcaption tags to display the image with an accompanying caption. The main issue is that the caption width exceeds the picture width.

I'm trying to figure out a way for the image to remain the same size and the caption to line up in width accordingly. I'm using Twitter-Bootstrap as well. I'm open to all solutions. Any input, experience or advice greatly appreciated.

UPDATED: This is the actual HTML template code and CSS:

        <div class="span4 offset2">
                {% if story.pic %}
                    <figure width="{{story.pic.width_field}}">
                    <img class="image"src="{{ story.pic.url }}" width="{{story.pic.width_field}}" alt="some_image_alt_text"/>
                    {% if story.caption %}
                    {% endif %}
                {% endif %}

 image {height:auto;}

 figure {margin:0; display:table;} 

figcaption {display:table-row;
max-width: 30%;
font-weight: bold;}
like image 605
Why Not Avatar asked Jul 12 '12 20:07

Why Not

People also ask

How do you align center Figcaption?

Use text-align: center on figcaption to align the test to the center.

What is figure and Figcaption in HTML?

<figcaption>: The Figure Caption elementThe <figcaption> HTML element represents a caption or legend describing the rest of the contents of its parent <figure> element.

How do you center align text and images in HTML?

An <img> element is an inline element (display value of inline-block ). It can be easily centered by adding the text-align: center; CSS property to the parent element that contains it. To center an image using text-align: center; you must place the <img> inside of a block-level element such as a div .

1 Answers

Original Solution

figure .image {
    width: 100%;

figure {
    text-align: center;
    display: table;
    max-width: 30%; /* demo; set some amount (px or %) if you can */
    margin: 10px auto; /* not needed unless you want centered */

The key is to set some kind of max-width for the img on the figure element if you can, then it will keep both it and the text constrained.

See an example fiddle.

If You are Programmatically Reading the Width

First, this <figure width="{{story.pic.width_field}}"> should be this <figure style="width: {{story.pic.width_field}};">.

Second, do only this css (nothing else needed for img or figcaption; see fiddle):

figure {
    text-align: center;
    margin: 10px auto; /* not needed unless you want centered */

Really small images with long text are still going to have issues, as this fiddle shows. To make it at least look clean, you might check for some minimum size of the img and if it too small (say, 100px), then instead of setting width on the figure set min-width to the img size and set a max-width to your threshold of 100px like this fiddle shows.

like image 181
ScottS Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10
