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Center Text Larger than Container? (Without using separate child element)

Using CSS, it's easy to horizontally center text in a container using text-align:center;, but if any single word of that text is larger than the width of the container, the browser automatically "clips" to the left boundary of the container (as in, the over-sized word aligns with the left side of the too-small container, and without the CSS word-break:hyphenate; property setting (or similar) the over-sized word sticks out past the right edge of the container.

enter image description hereAny way to float this pic left of my text here to save vertical space? Oh well. Anyway...

Without using a child container element to hold the text, is there a way to center the over-sized word so that it hangs over both left and right sides of the container equally?

Again, I do not want to use a text container within the container. I could do this in 5 seconds by using a child <div>text to be centered</div> with fixed width and negative margin-left, or with absolute positioning of a container element inside a relative div, but I'm looking for a CSS attribute that will center text even when the word is too long to fit the width. By default, text-align:center doesn't do this.

Thoughts? Thanks! -Slink

like image 790
Slink Avatar asked Jul 11 '12 17:07


2 Answers

This fiddle shows three div elements illustrating the "problem" and both the following "solutions".

One Possible "Solution"

I'm not sure of your needs, but so far the only real solution I have found is to set display: table to your text container. But that will allow the container to stretch to the needed width to contain the longest word, which may not be desirable to you. If that is okay, that is the best solution.

Another Possible "Faked" Solution

If you must keep the apparent size of the element at least, then you can fake the look by some creative pseudo-element use:

.fakeIt {
    text-align: center; /* what you wanted all along */
    display: table; /* key to get centered */
    position: relative; /* allow reference for absolute element */
    z-index: 2; /* set up for a background to be pushed below */
    width: 40px; /* what you want, but table resizes larger if needed*/
    border: none; /* transferring border to the "fake" */
    background-color: transparent; /* transferring background to the "fake" */

.fakeIt:after {
    content: ''; /* before or after need it, even if empty */
    width: 40px; /* the original width you wanted for the container */
    position: absolute; /* need this to position it */
    z-index: -1; /* push it behind the foreground */
    left: 50%; /* push it to center */
    top:0; /* give it height */
    bottom: 0;  /* give it height */
    margin-left: -20px; /* half the width to finish centering */
    border: 1px solid red; /* the border you wanted on the container */
    background-color: yellow; /* the background you wanted on the container */

However, depending upon your particular application, the "faked" solution may not work. Also, the original element will still take up the wider "space" in the document, it just won't look like it is. That could cause issues. Negative margin on the container could solve that, but you don't know what the value needs to be set at, as it would differ with text width.

You mention in a comment you are not familiar with pseudo-elements in css, so you may want to have a quick intro.

like image 175
ScottS Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09


That damned horizontal scrollbar!


<div class="inner">
    aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa 


.inner {
    text-align: center;
    position: relative;
    left: +450%;
.inner:before {
    content: '';
    display: inline-block;
    margin-right: -900%;
like image 20
biziclop Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09
