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Extjs how to decode a json string?





I have to decode JSON with Extjs 4:

I have used Ext.decode(string, true), but it doesn't work 'cause my string is a JSON with a JSON string (escaped) inside... like this:

var string = '{
    success: true,
    rows: [{
        "id": 33,
        "defaultset": 1,
        "name": "Generico",
        "jsonfields": "[{\"name\":\"cm:addressees\",\"title\":\"Destinatari\",\"description\":\"Destinatari\",\"dataType\":\"d:text\",\"url\":\"\/api\/property\/cm_addressees\"}]",
        "eliminato": 0

as you can see the field jsonfields is a JSON string. When I use

Ext.decode(string, true);

nothing happens neither error.

Any suggestions?

like image 297
Pierluigi B Web Developer Avatar asked Jun 06 '12 10:06

Pierluigi B Web Developer

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try using Ext.encode(Object) it Encodes an Object, Array or other value & returns The JSON string.

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GitHub - discoveryjs/json-ext: A set of performant and memory efficient utilities that extend the use of JSON.

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1 Answers

You may try like this:

var string = '{success:true, rows:[{"id":33,"defaultset":1,"name":"Generico","jsonfields":"[{\\"name\\":\\"cm:addressees\\",\\"title\\":\\"Destinatari\\",\\"description\\":\\"Destinatari\\",\\"dataType\\":\\"d:text\\",\\"url\\":\\"/api/property/cm_addressees\\"}]","eliminato":0}]}';

var decodedString = Ext.decode(string);

that's a little bit tricky. If you remove safe parameter you will see that your json misses \ in your jsonfields thats because your string is in ' quotes and one \ does the job for it but you want something different... so you have to double it.

fiddle example

like image 161
Vytautas Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09
