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Extjs combobox: hide selected value from dropdown list

I'm using ExtJS 4 and looking for a way I can hide currently selected value from combo's dropdown list?

So instead of this ("Alaska" currently selected in combobox):

default combobox behaviour

I want the list of values look like this:

enter image description here

In my case the combobox is not editable (i.e. you can't input an arbitrary value), I don't think it makes much sense to display the selected value two times: once in the input field and once in the dropdown list. I already see what is selected, I want the dropdown list to only show me other options I can select.

So far I don't see an easy way to do it. Probably the best place to start at is filtering combobox store but combobox uses its own filters for live search functionality.

Anybody considered this problem? Am I trying to do something weird? I'm surprised that I haven't been able to find any related topics.

like image 669
Dmitry Pashkevich Avatar asked Sep 04 '12 15:09

Dmitry Pashkevich

3 Answers

I don't think you have to much options here... maybe you could do something like this:

Ext.define('Your.company.Combo', {
    extend: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox',
    alias: 'widget.specialcombo',

    * @cfg {boolean} hideActive
    * True to hide any selected record. Defaults to <tt>true</tt>.
    hideActive: true,

    * @private {Ext.data.Model[]} hideActive
    * A Array of selected records.

    initComponent: function () {
        this.selectedRecords = [];


        this.on('select', this.onSelectionChange, this);

    * @private onChangeSelection
    * eventhandler selections
    onSelectionChange: function (me, recs) {
        // write the current selected back to the store (you need to suspend autoSync if active)
        // set the selected as new recordlist
        me.selectedRecords = recs;
        // remove the selected from the store

That example is totally untested. But as the store is mainly bound to the BoundList which is not direct connected to the textfield this should work. You are doing a sort of caching here.

like image 149
sra Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 23:10


I ended up using a modified version of @sra's solution:

Ext.define('My.ComboBox',  {
    extend: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox',

     * @cfg {Boolean} hideActive=true
     * When true, hides the currently selected value from the dropdown list
    hideActive: true,

    * @private {Ext.data.Model[]} selectedRecords
    * A Array of selected records, used when hideActive is true

    initComponent: function() {
        this.selectedRecords = [];


    setValue: function(value, doSelect) {
        var store = this.store;

        if(this.hideActive) {
            // write the current selected back to the store (you need to suspend autoSync if active)
            // do this BEFORE callParent so the currently selected record would be found in the store


        if(this.hideActive) {
            // set the selected as new recordlist
            this.selectedRecords = this.valueModels;
            // remove the selected from the store
            store.fireEvent('refresh', store);

        return this;


The 'hiding' logic is the same, only I perform it in the setValue method to make sure that it also works when programmatically setting combo's value, including the case where the combobox is initialized with a value.

UPD Also, looks like store.add(this.selectedRecords); has to be called before this.callParent(arguments);, otherwise combobox will act weird if we attempt to set the same value twice (it simply wouldn't find the active record in the store cause we removed it, so it'll reset to blank). I suspend store's events to prevent some quirks caused by combobox trying to synchronize with its dropdown list in the middle of my manipulations with selected record(s) and manually trigger store's 'refresh' event when I'm done so the list gets eventually updated. This may have performance impact but so far I don't know a better solution.

like image 25
Dmitry Pashkevich Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 23:10

Dmitry Pashkevich

ExtJS 3 I wrote this answer based on the others. Works great for me, its a little modified from what your looking for though.

Name.space.name = new Ext.extend(Ext.form.ComboBox, {
    type: 'all',
    oldrec: null,
    store: null,
    constructor: function (config) {
        var me = this;
        if (config.type === 'all') {
            me.store = AllConditionStore;
        } else {
            me.store = ?.?('RuleParameterType');
        config = Ext.apply({
            store: me.store,
            valueField: 'id',
            hideActive: true,
            triggerAction: 'all',
            lazyRender: true,
            allowBlank: false,
            mode: 'local',
            displayField: 'text',
            listeners: {
                select: function (me, recs, index) {
                    if (me.oldrec !== null)
                    me.oldrec = recs;
                    // remove the selected from the store
                    // redo store
        }, config);
        ?.?.Parameter.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
like image 24
Jake Steele Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 00:10

Jake Steele