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ExtJS 4: How to know when any field in a form (Ext.form.Panel) changes?




I'd like a single event listener that fires whenever any field in a form (i.e., Ext.form.Panel) changes. The Ext.form.Panel class doesn't fire an event for this itself, however.

What's the best way to listen for 'change' events for all fields in a form?

like image 772
Clint Harris Avatar asked Dec 19 '11 19:12

Clint Harris

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1 Answers

Update: Added a 3rd option based on tip in comments (thanks @innerJL!)

Ok, looks like there are at least two fairly simple ways to do it.

Option 1) Add a 'change' listener to each field that is added to the form:

Ext.define('myapp.MyFormPanel', {
  extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
  alias: 'myapp.MyFormPanel',

  handleFieldChanged: function() { 
    // Do something

  listeners: {
    add: function(me, component, index) {
      if( component.isFormField ) {
        component.on('change', me.handleFieldChanged, me);

This has at least one big drawback; if you "wrap" some fields in other containers and then add those containers to the form, it won't recognize the nested fields. In other words, it doesn't do a "deep" search through the component to see if it contains form field that need 'change' listeners.

Option 2) Use a component query to listen to all 'change' events fired from fields in a container.

Ext.define('myapp.MyController', {
  extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',

  init: function(application) {

        '[xtype="myapp.MyFormPanel"] field': {
            change: function() {
              // Do something

Option 3) Listen for the 'dirtychange' fired from the form panel's underlying 'basic' form (Ext.form.Basic). Important: You need to make sure you must enable 'trackResetOnLoad' by ensuring that {trackResetOnLoad:true} is passed to your form panel constructor.

Ext.define('myapp.MyFormPanel', {
  extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
  alias: 'myapp.MyFormPanel',
  constructor: function(config) {
    config = config || {};
    config.trackResetOnLoad = true;

    me.getForm().on('dirtychange', function(form, isDirty) {
       if( isDirty ) {
            // Unsaved changes exist
        else {
            // NO unsaved changes exist

This approach is the "smartest"; it allows you to know when the form has been modified, but also if the user modifies it back to it's original state. For example, if they change a text field from "Foo" to "Bar", the 'dirtychange' event will fire with 'true' for the isDirty param. But if the user then changes the field back to "Foo", the 'dirtychange' event will fire again and isDirty will be false.

like image 164
Clint Harris Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10

Clint Harris