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Ext.extend vs Ext.override?



What is the difference between Ext.extend and Ext.override? In java, you extend a class and you override its methods. But looking at syntax, it seems in extjs, you can both extend a class and override a class

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Victor Avatar asked Feb 04 '11 19:02


2 Answers

Ext.extend gives you a new class basing on existing one.

Ext.override modifies existing class without creating a new one.

It's not something specific to ExtJS. It's how JavaScript's prototype-based object model works. It's quite different from what you're used to in Java. ExtJS just adds these two utility methods to make it a bit easier to use.

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Mchl Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 05:10


Mchl has already answered to your query.

I just want to add, for adding features to ExtJs involves these four ways:

  1. Extend
  2. Override
  3. Plugin
  4. Sequence/Intercept

Please refer to this link for detail information:


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Kunal Goel Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10

Kunal Goel