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How should I add a tooltip to an ExtJS Component?




I'm making an ExtJS Component, and I want it to use a QuickTips tooltip. If I make an element using DomHelper, I can set a tooltip, no sweat. If, however, I make a Component, like

new BoxComponent({   qtip: "This is a tip" }); 

nothing happens. I've also tried naming the property "tooltip", but no luck. Is there a right way to do this? The hack I have in place now that works is

new BoxComponent({   qtip: "This is a tip",   listeners: {     rendered: function(c){       Ext.QuickTips.register({         target: c.getEl(),         text: c.qtip       }     } }); 

I feel like that can't be right. I guess I could just extend Component to do that automatically, but it seems like a common enough case that I should be able to do it without poking under the hood like this.

like image 673
Coderer Avatar asked Apr 30 '11 00:04


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1 Answers

In ExtJS 4.2.1, I am able to add a tip to a checkbox this way:

new Ext.form.field.Checkbox({   ...   tip: 'This is a tip',   listeners: {     render: function(c) {       Ext.create('Ext.tip.ToolTip', {         target: c.getEl(),         html: c.tip        });     }   }); 
like image 193
DSoa Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09
