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Externalising SCM credentials with Maven

Is there a method to externalize my SCM credentials so they are not stored in the project's POM? The problem being if they're contained in the project's POM, they will be visible to all when the project is deployed.

like image 370
Kingamajick Avatar asked Aug 10 '09 15:08


1 Answers

For some SCM providers you can specify your credentials in the <servers> section of settings.xml. As an <id> use the domain name of your repository. This works for me with mercurial. SubVersion works too.

For example, given my pom.xml contains:

<scm>   <connection>scm:hg:http://jukito.googlecode.com/hg/</connection>   <developerConnection>scm:hg:https://jukito.googlecode.com/hg/</developerConnection>   <url>http://code.google.com/p/jukito/source/browse/</url> </scm> 

Then I can specify my credentials in settings.xml as such:

<server>   <id>jukito.googlecode.com</id>   <username>philippe.beaudoin</username>   <password>1234567890ABC</password> </server> 
like image 149
Philippe Beaudoin Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09

Philippe Beaudoin