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Extension functions on annotated types

Is it possible to define a Kotlin extension function on a annotated type like this?

fun @ColorInt Int.darken(): Int {
    return ColorUtils.blendARGB(this, Color.BLACK, 0.2f)

Alternative form:

fun (@ColorInt Int).darken(): Int {
    return ColorUtils.blendARGB(this, Color.BLACK, 0.2f)

That would correspond to the following static funtion:

fun darken(@ColorInt color: Int): Int {
    return ColorUtils.blendARGB(color, Color.BLACK, 0.2f)

I don't think that's possible yet using Kotlin, but would it be possible to add that feature in later Kotlin versions?

On a side note: The same question applies to @IntDef, @StringDef, @[resource type]Res as well.

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Jan Heinrich Reimer Avatar asked May 28 '17 21:05

Jan Heinrich Reimer

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1 Answers

Yes you can. Use the following syntax:

fun @receiver:ColorInt Int.darken(): Int {
    return ColorUtils.blendARGB(this, Color.BLACK, 0.2f)

More about annotation use-site targets: http://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/annotations.html#annotation-use-site-targets

like image 69
Kirill Rakhman Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10

Kirill Rakhman