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Extending parent class methods in child class in Javascript ES6

I want to extend a child's functionality of a specific method in a parent class. I'm still getting used to OOP in ES6 so I'm not sure if this is possible or breaks rules.

I'm looking for something like this:

class Parent {
  constructor(elem) {
    this.elem = elem;

    elem.addEventListener((e) => {

  doSomething(e) {
    console.log('doing something', e);

class Child extends Parent {
  constructor(elem) {
    // sets up this.elem, event listener, and initial definition of doSomething

  doSomething(e) {
    // first does console.log('doing something', e);
    console.log('doing another something', e);

In essence I want to append a child-specific callback on a parent method. Is there a creative way of doing this without creating a completely new class with the same functionality?

like image 449
JLF Avatar asked Sep 15 '17 16:09


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1 Answers

You can use super in methods:

doSomething(e) {
  console.log('doing another something', e)

this in child class and in parent class is the same thing, and refers to the actual object, so if you call a method in parent's code, it will call child's implementation, if it is indeed a child. Same works in other languages, for example Python and Ruby.

Working code:

class Parent {
  constructor(elem) {
    this.elem = elem
    this.elem.addEventListener('click', (e) => { this.doSomething(e) })

  doSomething(e) {
    alert('doing something')

class Child extends Parent {
  constructor(elem) {

  doSomething(e) {
    alert('doing another something')

let child = new Child(document.getElementById('button'))
<button id="button">Alert</button>
like image 162
Danil Speransky Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 00:11

Danil Speransky