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Extending android:WindowTitle

I wish to extend android:WindowTitle

But parent="android:WindowTitle" no longer works in newer SDKs. It's a private style

What is a good public replacement for parent="android:WindowTitle"?

I am getting lost reading this thread.

Any alernative way for using <style name="CustomWindowTitle" parent="android:WindowTitle"> with out machine dependent hot fixes so that my code compiles for rest of the team?

like image 259
Mithun Sreedharan Avatar asked Nov 24 '11 06:11

Mithun Sreedharan

1 Answers

You can open android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-6\data\res\values\styles.xml and copypaste your style from there.

I can see in there something like

<style name="WindowTitle">
        <item name="android:singleLine">true</item>
        <item name="android:textAppearance">@style/TextAppearance.WindowTitle</item>
        <item name="android:shadowColor">#BB000000</item>
        <item name="android:shadowRadius">2.75</item>

So you can define the same or similar style in your code. Generally, data/res directory in android SDK contains many interesting resources.

like image 158
Alexander Kulyakhtin Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 05:11

Alexander Kulyakhtin