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Extend data class in Kotlin

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Can you extend data class in Kotlin?

We cannot extend a data class but in order to implement the same feature, we can declare a super class and override the properties in a sub-class.

Can I inherit data class Kotlin?

The inheritance of data classes in Kotlin doesn't execute well. Hence, it is advised not to use inheritance by extending the data class in Kotlin. But we can use abstract class and interface .

Can data classes be inherited?

You can inherit a data class from a non-data class. Inheriting a data class from another data class is not allowed because there is no way to make compiler-generated data class methods work consistently and intuitively in case of inheritance.

The truth is: data classes do not play too well with inheritance. We are considering prohibiting or severely restricting inheritance of data classes. For example, it's known that there's no way to implement equals() correctly in a hierarchy on non-abstract classes.

So, all I can offer: don't use inheritance with data classes.

Declare properties in super-class outside of constructor as abstract, and override them in sub-class.

abstract class Resource {
    abstract var id: Long
    abstract var location: String

data class Book (
    override var id: Long = 0,
    override var location: String = "",
    var isbn: String
) : Resource()

Above solution using abstract class actually generates corresponding class and let the data class extends from it.

If you don't prefer abstract class, how about using an interface?

Interface in Kotlin can have properties as shown in this this article..

interface History {
    val date: LocalDateTime
    val name: String
    val value: Int

data class FixedHistory(override val date: LocalDateTime,
                        override val name: String,
                        override val value: Int,
                        val fixedEvent: String) : History

I was curious how Kotlin compile this. Here's equivalent Java code (generated using the Intellij [Kotlin bytecode] feature):

public interface History {
   LocalDateTime getDate();

   String getName();

   int getValue();

public final class FixedHistory implements History {
   private final LocalDateTime date;
   private final String name;
   private int value;
   private final String fixedEvent;

   // Boring getters/setters as usual..
   // copy(), toString(), equals(), hashCode(), ...

As you can see, it works exactly like a normal data class!

Kotlin Traits can help.

interface IBase {
    val prop:String

interface IDerived : IBase {
    val derived_prop:String

data classes

data class Base(override val prop:String) : IBase

data class Derived(override val derived_prop:String,
                   private val base:IBase) :  IDerived, IBase by base

sample usage

val b = Base("base")
val d = Derived("derived", b)

print(d.prop) //prints "base", accessing base class property
print(d.derived_prop) //prints "derived"

This approach can also be a workaround for inheritance issues with @Parcelize

data class Base(override val prop:Any) : IBase, Parcelable

@Parcelize // works fine
data class Derived(override val derived_prop:Any,
                   private val base:IBase) : IBase by base, IDerived, Parcelable

@Željko Trogrlić answer is correct. But we have to repeat the same fields as in an abstract class.

Also if we have abstract subclasses inside the abstract class, then in a data class we cannot extend fields from these abstract subclasses. We should first create data subclass and then define fields.

abstract class AbstractClass {
    abstract val code: Int
    abstract val url: String?
    abstract val errors: Errors?

    abstract class Errors {
        abstract val messages: List<String>?

data class History(
    val data: String?,

    override val code: Int,
    override val url: String?,
    // Do not extend from AbstractClass.Errors here, but Kotlin allows it.
    override val errors: Errors?
) : AbstractClass() {

    // Extend a data class here, then you can use it for 'errors' field.
    data class Errors(
        override val messages: List<String>?
    ) : AbstractClass.Errors()