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ext-all-debug.js vs ext-all-dev.js




What is the main difference between ext-all-debug.js and ext-all-dev.js?

"ext-all-debug.js" is mainly used for development & debugging.

Using "ext-all-dev.js" will have any advantage?

Please clarify.

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Renganathan M G Avatar asked Mar 04 '14 06:03

Renganathan M G

People also ask

What is Ext-all debug JS?

Ext-all is basically the minified verion of the debug one. The gain is that it greatly reduces the files size so that clients have to download less. Ext-base are the core functions of ext. If you only use those you could just include that file instead of the huge complete set in ext-all.

What is Ext-all js file?

ext. js contains the core functionality needed to run an application, while ext-all. js contains all of the framework code. The first one will require your components to correctly use the requires and uses config properties to organize your code dependencies properly.

1 Answers

  • ext-all.js: minified, no docs/comments
  • ext-all-debug.js: non-minified, no docs/comments
  • ext-all-debug-w-comments.js: non-minified, with docs/comments
  • ext-all-dev.js: non-minified, with docs/comments, with console warnings, e.g. if you're using deprecated functions/configs or there are configuration problems. The additional console output in ext-all-dev.js can be really helpful, so I'd recommend it for development.
  • ext-all-debug.js: (or ext-all-debug-w-comments.js) is functionally the same as ext-all.js, allows better debugging since it's not minified. I'd recommend it for testing purposes.
  • ext-all.js: obviously is what you want to use in production, since the file is much smaller than the other files.
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matt Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 15:09
