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Exporting Cloud Firestore data with Datastore Exporting & Importing service? [duplicate]

I have noticed a new Datastore feature in Beta, Exporting and Importing service.

As far as I understand, Firestore runs on Datastore under the hood. Will it be possible to use this new Exporting and Importing feature for Firestore, too?

If not, is there a feature planned to create custom backups and restore them into a (different) project?

like image 840
Ani Avatar asked Oct 05 '17 11:10


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1 Answers

Update: Managed Export and Import is available.

Right now there is no import/export service for Cloud Firestore. We are working on this, it's at the top of the list of things we need to do before we can drop the "Beta" label.

You're right that Firestore is powered by the same technology as Datastore, but the two database are not exactly the same which is why you can't use plain-old Datastore export.

For now the best thing to do is to write your own import/export scripts using either the Java, Go, Node.js, or Python SDKs.

like image 178
Sam Stern Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 19:10

Sam Stern