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Exporting a native C function from a .net DLL? [duplicate]

I have a .net assembly written in C#, and I'm looking to export a native C function from the assembly.

I have an application which will perform a 'LoadLibrary()' on any DLL's found in a 'plugin' folder. After loading the DLL, the application performs a 'GetProcAddress' looking for a function named 'Register'. The application expects this function to follow the C calling convention.

How can I export a function named 'Register' from my .net assembly, so I can successfully hookup with the plugin system for this application?

Thanks, Andrew

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Andrew Avatar asked May 13 '11 14:05


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You can export an entire C++ class by placing the __declspec(dllexport) before the class name, or you can export a single method by placing __declspec(dllexport) before the method name. Make class methods static and public. The C/C++ DLL Adapter does not allow you to call public non-static methods.

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2 Answers

Use this tool.

like image 123
SLaks Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 06:10


Write a .Net library in Managed C++ and there you can export a "Native" method/function.

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vozzie Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 04:10
