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Exporting A Libgdx Game as Executable Jar from Android Studio

Okay so I made a game using Libgdx and I intended it to be a android app(which is why i use android studio) but I want to let my friend without android phones try it out. The project is already setup for both desktop and android so is there any way to export this as a executable jar file?

like image 594
user1804234 Avatar asked Aug 30 '15 23:08


People also ask

Do you need Android studio for libGDX?

Prerequisites: Some basic knowledge of Java, OOP, and Android development. The latest version of Android Studio.

Is libGDX free for commercial use?

LibGDX is a cross-platform 2D/3D game development environment, which was written in Java/C/C++ language based on Apache License 2.0 Agreement. It's free for commercial and non-commercial use and hosted on GitHub.

1 Answers

You have to type

gradlew desktop:dist

command in Terminal in Android Studio. Then you should have an executable jar file in your project directory/desktop/build/libs.

like image 54
Fiszu77 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10
