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Export XCode 6 project to SVN repository

Everywhere I search, I get half the solution for exporting Xcode project on Subversion. And for Xcode6, I am not able to find any reliable link.

I have created an iOS project on Xcode6. And now I want to export it to Subversion. The server admin has created my credentials and I have them along with server url. He has created a blank repository on the server too. I have created Repository from Xcode -> Preferences -> Add Repository. But that's all. I am not able to proceed further.

How should I export the project from Xcode6 to SVN?

like image 651
Nitish Avatar asked Feb 19 '15 07:02


1 Answers

The easiest way is probably to do this via the terminal.

  1. Close Xcode
  2. Go to the project's folder in the Terminal (cd path/to/project)
  3. Use the svn importcommand:

    svn import -m "New Import"  MyProject/ https://myserver.me.com/svn/trunk/MyProject
  4. And finally checkout the project using

    svn co https://myserver.me.com/svn/trunk/MyProject
like image 167
Rick Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 04:11
