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Export two library which have same class name



I met an error when exporting two libraries. And these libraries have exactly same class name.

File: A.dart

library chrome.A; class MyClass { ... } 

File: B.dart

library chrome.B; class MyClass { .. } 

File: C.dart

library chrome_app; export 'A.dart'; export 'B.dart';  // HERE!! error message for the element 'MyClass' which is defined in the libraries 'A.dart' and 'B.dart' 

Is this the intended result?

I think A.dart and B.dart has their own namespace so that there should be no error.

like image 492
Sungguk Lim Avatar asked Mar 19 '14 01:03

Sungguk Lim

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1 Answers

A library name isn't a namespace. Dart doesn't have namespaces.
What you can do in Dart is to specify a prefix for an import.

You have to import those libraries separately if you want to use them in the same library instead of just one import with import 'C.dart;'

import 'A.dart' as a; import 'B.dart' as b;  var m = a.MyClass(); var n = b.MyClass(); 

If you just want to avoid the conflict and don't need both classes exported you can.

library chrome_app;  export 'A.dart'; export 'B.dart' hide MyClass; // or export 'B.dart' show MyOtherClass, AnotherOne; // define explicitly which classes to export and omit MyClass 
like image 60
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10

Günter Zöchbauer