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Export neo4j database in json file

I want to export Neo4j graph database in JSON file.

This is a Export JSON button in Neo4j web UI version as shown in attached image below. enter image description here

But what is the equivalent command for the same task in Neo4j shell.


like image 641
Gagan Avatar asked Jul 07 '14 10:07


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You can already export CSV from the Neo4j Browser by clicking the download icon on the table view of your Cypher query results. Alternatively, you can also use my neo4j-shell-tools to export results of a Cypher query to a CSV file.

1 Answers

The json exported by the browser is exactly what is getting sent to the transactional cypher endpoint. This is not directly accessible via neo4j-shell, but you might use any command line http client like cURL or httpie.

For httpie it's as simple as:

 http -b -j localhost:7474/db/data/transaction/commit statements:='[{"statement": "<your cypher goes here>", "parameters": { cypher parameters go here as map }]'

However it is simple to extend neo4j-shell, see Michael's neo4j-shell-tools.

like image 171
Stefan Armbruster Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 12:09

Stefan Armbruster