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export data from excel to sqlite database [closed]


I have a excel sheet with full of data. I want same data in sqlite database table. Currently I have to manually enter 1 by 1 field. Is there any way to direct exporting data to sqlite database table?

like image 718
Naveed Mansuri Avatar asked Jul 03 '13 04:07

Naveed Mansuri

People also ask

Can Excel connect to SQLite?

You can use Microsoft Excel to access data from a SQLite database using ODBC connector. With ODBC Driver, you can import the data directly into an Excel Spreadsheet and present it as a table.

Why is SQLite not good for production?

The biggest problem with using SQLite in production is disaster recovery. If your server dies, so does your data. That's… not good. Other database servers have replication so they can stream database changes to another server in case one goes down.

1 Answers

Try this fresh code exceltosql:

This code uses the openpyxl package for playing around with excel using Python code
to convert complete excel workbook (all sheets) to an SQLite database
The code assumes that the first row of every sheet is the column name
Every sheet is stored in a separate table
The sheet name is assigned as the table name for every sheet

import sqlite3
import openpyxl
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import re

def slugify(text, lower=1):
    if lower == 1:
        text = text.strip().lower()
    text = re.sub(r'[^\w _-]+', '', text)
    text = re.sub(r'[- ]+', '_', text)
    return text

#Replace with a database name
con = sqlite3.connect('test.db')
#replace with the complete path to youe excel workbook
wb = load_workbook(filename=r'abc.xlsx')

sheets = wb.get_sheet_names()

for sheet in sheets:
    ws = wb[sheet] 

    columns= []
    query = 'CREATE TABLE ' + str(slugify(sheet)) + '(ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'
    for row in ws.rows[0]:
        query += ', ' + slugify(row.value) + ' TEXT'
    query += ');'


    tup = []
    for i, rows in enumerate(ws):
        tuprow = []
        if i == 0:
        for row in rows:
            tuprow.append(unicode(row.value).strip()) if unicode(row.value).strip() != 'None' else tuprow.append('')

    insQuery1 = 'INSERT INTO ' + str(slugify(sheet)) + '('
    insQuery2 = ''
    for col in columns:
        insQuery1 += col + ', '
        insQuery2 += '?, '
    insQuery1 = insQuery1[:-2] + ') VALUES('
    insQuery2 = insQuery2[:-2] + ')'
    insQuery = insQuery1 + insQuery2

    con.executemany(insQuery, tup)

like image 89
Shahzeb Qureshi Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 10:10

Shahzeb Qureshi