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Export App Inventor UI to Eclipse

I'm really new to android development, and now I'm doing a group project developing an android application and I'm in charge of user interface. My teammates are using eclipse to write code and I'm using App Inventor to design the UI. My question is, how do I export the UI to eclipse? or can I?

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pew007 Avatar asked May 03 '11 15:05


1 Answers


Can I develop in App Inventor and export the source code to Eclipse or some other IDE to work on it further?

No, App Inventor does not generate Java source code.

If you want a dirty hack, create the apk with app inventor, and use APKManager to extract all the xml files from the res folder. You can add then those to the Eclipse project.

APKManager thread

like image 74
Aleadam Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10
