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Export all airflow connections to new environment



I'm trying to migrate all the existing airflow connections to a new airflow.

I was looking at the cli options airflow connections --help, it gives an option to list but doesn't give an option to export/import to/from json format.

Is there a way via cli/airflow ui to migrate connections across multiple airflows?

like image 382
Nitin Pandey Avatar asked Apr 11 '19 06:04

Nitin Pandey

People also ask

Where are airflow connections stored?

Connections can alternatively be stored in environment variables or an external secrets backend such as HashiCorp Vault, AWS SSM Parameter Store, etc. When storing connections in the database, you may manage them using either the web UI or the Airflow CLI.

How do I check airflow connection?

You can check the connection option by clicking Admin in Airflow UI. You will find one connection option there. Once you will click on connection option, you will see all your connections there. You can click on the edit option of the individual to check the info.

3 Answers

This will allow you to export all connections so that they could be re-added elsewhere via the CLI (https://airflow.apache.org/docs/stable/howto/connection/index.html#creating-a-connection-from-the-cli). Run it in Python wherever your existing installation is:

from airflow.hooks.base_hook import BaseHook

for c in ['my', 'list', 'of', 'connections']:
    conn = BaseHook.get_connection(c)
    print("airflow connections --add \\ \n \
    --conn_id '{conn_id}' \\ \n \
    --conn_type '{conn_type}' \\ \n \
    --conn_host '{conn_host}' \\ \n \
    --conn_schema '{conn_schema}' \\ \n \
    --conn_login '{conn_login}' \\ \n \
    --conn_password '{conn_password}' \\ \n \
    --conn_port '{conn_port}' \\ \n \
    --conn_extra '{conn_extra}' \\".format(

This also outputs the decrypted password. Tested and working on Airflow 1.10.12.

like image 129
Phil Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 04:09


You can either connect directly to the Airflow meta db and dump those connections, then load them in a separate database. However, if you want to automate something like this, you can get started by dumping them in a CSV file:

from airflow.utils import db
from airflow.models import Connection
import csv

outfile = open('myconnections.csv', 'w')
outcsv = csv.writer(outfile)

with db.create_session() as session:
    connections = session.query(Connection).all()

conn_list = [
    [getattr(c, column.name) for column in Connection.__mapper__.columns]
    for c in connections

After that, you can load that to a new DB manually or with a similar script.

IMPORTANT: if you have enabled encryption, the passwords stored for these connections will be encrypted, and when you load them to the new DB, you must use the identical fernet key, or otherwise you won't be able to decrypt them.

like image 38
bosnjak Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09


I wrote quick Python script that generates a connection-commands.sh file with ALL the connections in one airflow environemnt, that can be run in a second airflow environemnt to import the connections.

from airflow.models import Connection
from airflow.utils.db import create_session

with create_session() as session:
    connections = session.query(Connection).order_by(Connection.conn_id).all()

connection_commands = []

conn: Connection
for conn in connections:
    conn_command_lines = [
        f"airflow connections",

    # add `host`, if non-empty
    if conn.host:

    # add `port`, if non-empty
    if conn.port:

    # add `schema`, if non-empty
    if conn.schema:

    # add `login`, if non-empty
    if conn.login:

    # add `password`, if non-empty
    if conn.password:

    # add `extra`, if non-empty
    if conn.extra:

    # combine the command lines
    conn_command = " \\\n    ".join(conn_command_lines) + ";"


with open("connection-commands.sh", mode="w") as f:
    f.write("#!/usr/bin/env bash")
    for conn_command in connection_commands:

Output Format

The format of the generated connection-commands.sh file is as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

airflow connections \
    --add \
    --conn_id='my_connection_1' \
    --conn_type='http' \
    --conn_host='https://example.com' \
    --conn_login='user' \

airflow connections \
    --add \
    --conn_id='my_connection_2' \
    --conn_type='http' \
    --conn_host='https://example.com' \
    --conn_login='user' \


WARNING: the airflow connections --add ... command will only add a connection if the connection does not already exist, you will need to delete the connection first if you want to "update" it.

like image 31
Mathew Wicks Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 04:09

Mathew Wicks