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How to run airflow scheduler as a daemon process?

I am new to Airflow. I am trying to run airflow scheduler as a daemon process, but the process does not live for long. I have configured "LocalExecutor" in airflow.cfg file and ran the following command to start the scheduler.(I am using Google compute engine and accessing server via PuTTY)

airflow scheduler --daemon --num_runs=5 --log-file=/root/airflow/logs/scheduler.log

When I run this command, the airflow scheduler starts and I can see the airflow-scheduler.pid file in my airflow home folder, but the process does not live for long. When I close the PuTTY session and reconnect to the server, I cannot find the scheduler process. Am I missing something? How can I run the airflow scheduler as a daemon process?

like image 306
MJK Avatar asked Sep 08 '16 05:09


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1 Answers

I had a similar problem. My airflow scheduler did not keep running as a deamon process when I executed scheduler as deamon:

airflow scheduler -D

But the scheduler did work when I ran it normally. After I deleted the airflow-scheduler.err file and rerun the scheduler as a deamon process it started working:

rm airflow-scheduler.err
airflow scheduler -D
like image 102
Floris Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 17:10
