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Explain karma unit test times

I've been searching the web for this for two days and I found nothing. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong way — I don't know...

So here it is: what are the times on my console when running a Karma+Jasmine+phantomJs unit test?

... Executed 1 of 1 SUCCESS (0.878 secs / 0.112 secs)

First, I though that the second time is the total unit test time (for example, when running multiple tasks), however, sometimes the first time gets to be 'bigger', sometimes not...


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ppseprus Avatar asked Jan 06 '16 17:01


People also ask

What is karma in unit testing?

Karma is a node-based test tool that allows you to test your JavaScript codes across multiple real browsers. A node-based tool is any tool that needs the Nodejs engine installed for it to run and can be accessed (installed) through the node package manager (npm).

How long should a unit test take?

The average for all 21 of these unit tests comes to 0.019785 seconds. Note the slowest test is due to it using Microsoft Moles to mock/isolate the file system. So with this example, if my unit test suite grows to 10,000 tests, it could take over 3 minutes to run.

What is difference between Jasmine and karma?

Jasmine can be classified as a tool in the "Javascript Testing Framework" category, while Karma is grouped under "Browser Testing". "Can also be used for tdd " is the primary reason why developers consider Jasmine over the competitors, whereas "Test Runner" was stated as the key factor in picking Karma.

1 Answers

total time / net time

  • net time = only test execution (in the browser)
  • total time = how long it took since Karma noticed the file change till the final result was printed (net time + communication with the browser + loading the files in the browser)

See karma/lib/reporters/base.js

like image 168
Vojta Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10
